It’s time again for the one MidWeek cover of the year on which nobody wants to appear. And for good reason. Having your face on MidWeek‘s Most Wanted cover usually leads to incarceration.

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It’s time again for the one MidWeek cover of the year on which nobody wants to appear. And for good reason.
Having your face on MidWeek‘s Most Wanted cover usually leads to incarceration.
“The last time we did this (Oct. 2005), we arrested 10 of the 12 fugitives within three months,” says Honolulu Police Department Detective Kim Buffett, who heads CrimeStoppers. “That’s why we get so excited about this project.”
Overall, since MidWeek began publishing the photos of HPD’s most wanted criminals on our cover, we have about a 90-percent arrest rate - thanks to readers.
“And it’s not just people wanted by the police department,” says Buffett. “We also work with the sheriffs, the state paroling authority and the U.S. Marshals in coming up with the list - we want to go after fugitives that are the most wanted by everybody.”
The theme this year is violent crime.
“Some of it is domestic abuse, but it’s all kinds of violence,” says Buffett. “The people on this list, they’re quite a group.”
Violent behavior is just the beginning of their rap sheets, which also include robbery, car theft, identity theft, stealing credit cards, terroristic threatening, promoting prostitution, money laundering and drugs.
While Buffett does not have exact statistics on drug involvement with each of these fugitives, she says “it’s often a factor. In cases of theft, burglary and identity theft, they’re often looking to turn that into money so they can buy more drugs.”
And it’s known that crystal methamphetamine, or ice, tends to cause aggressive, violent behavior in its users.
“And cocaine is making a comeback,” Buffett says. Coke is another “agitative” drug.
Detective Buffett emphasizes that MidWeek readers should not approach or try to apprehend these wanted criminals, but to get some identifying information - license number, address - and call 911 or the CrimeStoppers hot-line, 955-8300.
All calls are anonymous - you’ll be given a coded number - and if your tip leads to the arrest and conviction of any of these fugitives, you could receive up to $1,000.
Says HPD Chief Boisse Correa: “MidWeek‘s Most Wanted issue has been highly successful over the years - about 90 percent of the fugitives who have been featured have been apprehended.
“With one or two exceptions, the fugitives in this year’s issue are considered violent, and we want them off the streets before they can do more harm. All of us know that the police can’t do it alone, and we thank the community and MidWeek for helping to make Oahu a safer place.”
Although he’s not officially associated with HPD, bounty hunter, bail bondsman and MidWeek friend Duane “Dog” Chapman also asks readers to help the police round up these bad guys and gals:
“The hunt begins, and I encourage your readers to join the hunt and report any leads on these people to CrimeStoppers, working hand-in-hand with the community as a joint force to rid our island of criminals.
“Fugitives, meet the opposition. And I say to each of you, turn yourselves in to HPD, or you’ll be getting a visit from the Dog!”

aka: Wes Welsh; Wes Caucasian male, 35 5 feet 10 inches,160 pounds Blond hair, blue eyes On Oct. 7, 2005, Welsh damaged the windows of two vehicles and threatened someone with a metal pipe.
He is wanted for failing to appear for sentencing at Circuit Court on Dec. 8, 2005, and Family Court on Dec. 19, 2005. He was to be sentenced for terroristic threatening and criminal property damage. Bail: $90,000.
Welsh has 54 priors, one conviction for harassment, and frequents the Central Oahu area.

aka: Alfred; Alfred Tonga-Taufa; Alfred Tonga Samoan male, 30 5 feet 11 inches, 235 pounds Black hair, brown eyes On Dec. 9, 1998 at about 6 p.m., Tauga entered an establishment, forced patrons and employees to lie on the floor and robbed them of their belongings.
He is wanted for failure to appear for a hearing on the robbery charge March 28, 2000. Taufa is also wanted for two probation revocation warrants for terroristic threatening and kidnapping. Bail $290,000.
Taufa has five convictions for kidnapping, terroristic threatening and probation violations. He frequents the Honolulu area.

aka: Anayassi Phillips Panamanian female, 30 5 feet 4 inches,153 pounds Brown hair, brown eyes Tattoo: Rose On March 5, 2004, Phillips stabbed her husband during an argument causing serious bodily injury. He was hospitalized and released days later.
She is wanted for failing to appear for deferral review hearing on March 2, 2005 She was charged with assault. Bail: $50,000.
Phillips has three prior arrests and frequents the Wahiawa area.

aka: Severino M. Narag Filipino male, 33 5 feet 4 inches,140 pounds Black hair, brown eyes Tattoos: Playboy bunny with “HAWAII” on upper left arm; “POISON” on upper right arm. On Sept. 5, 2001, Narag got into an argument with his girlfriend and threatened to shoot her.
He is wanted for failing to appear for trial on May 30, 2002, for terroristic threatening charges. Bail: $75,000.
Narag has six priors that include terroristic threatening, and theft. He frequents the Kalihi area.

aka: Gary Davenport; Scott B. Davenport; Jeff Davenport IV; Scott Jeffery Davenport; Steve Dwain Davenport; Steven Dwayne Davenport; Jeff Forrest; Mark Merrill; Jeffrey Scott Caucasian male, 42 6 feet, 220 pounds Brown hair, hazel eyes
On Sept. 25, 2004, a male heard a noise from inside of the house while he was sitting in the backyard. He went to investigate and came across a male and a female inside his front door. The male informed the suspects that they were not welcome at the house and told them to leave. The male suspect, Davenport, got upset and got into a argument with the resident. While arguing, Davenport pulled out a knife and cut the victim’s face, causing a 3- to 4-inch laceration. The female with Davenport took the victim’s cellular phone and hit him over the head. Davenport attempted to stab the victim several more times during the altercation and eventually fled the scene with the female. Davenport is wanted for failing to appear for trial on May 31, 2005, for attempted murder charges. Bail: $100,000. He is also wanted for two misdemeanor warrants. Davenport, who has 69 priors that include assault, contempt, DWOL and theft, frequents the Honolulu area.
aka: Kim Y Johnston; Kim Yong Sok Johnston Korean female, 61 5 feet 4 inches, 130 pounds Dyed blond hair, brown eyes In 1999, Johnston operated, managed and owned a massage/relaxation type establishment and was using it as a front for illegal activity.
She is wanted for failing to appear at a trial for a grand jury warrant. Bail: $400,000. Johnston has been convicted of promoting prostitution, money laundering, and unlawful ownership or operation of a business.
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