All in the family
The De Lima Ohana - (from left) Kapena, Leolani, Kalena, Kelly and Lilo - releases a new album, Kupu A’e. Music is the De Lima family business, and business is good

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Ohana? Well, it’s both, with Kelly as the common denominator.
In a nutshell, Kapena is still billed to perform its electrifying crowd favorites and is a full five-piece band.
The De Lima Ohana got its start performing for Waikiki audiences, and
have regular gigs at places such as the Princess Kaiulani and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Kapena gigs regularly at Duke’s Waikiki, Gordon Biersch, Don Ho’s and the Shack Waikiki.
This often means four- to six-night “work” weeks for Lilo and Kalena with their dad. But while the gigs have increased, they both agree managing their time among school, homework and performing has gotten easier over the years.
“These guys work so hard, but they are doing wonderful in school,” says Kelly. “Our lifestyle keeps them so busy and so focused that they just excel.”
It’s a natural progression that Leo and Kelly agree is almost like a family business.
“What our kids had over a lot of kids is that they heard music all around them,” says Leo, a Kailua High School graduate. “My mom and dad were performers, my brother was a performer, my sister-in-law and their dad. So they were constantly around music, and it almost came natural. It’s so much a part of our life.”
Kelly adds, “It’s like your parents owning a grocery store and you taking it over. It’s our business and what we love to do, too. It’s a lot of work, but it’s so fulfilling.”
On March 1, the culmination of their efforts takes physical shape when their album releases. The album’s name, Kupu A’e, symbolizes new life, growth, strength and peace - a metaphor that describes their family. And it celebrates not only the journey that the De Lima Ohana has traveled together, but also the mentors who have guided them along the way, such as Don Ho, Aunty Genoa Keawe and Jerry Byrd.
The album features tracks Nani Waimea, Wahine Hololio, Aia i ka la’i, Koke’e, I’ll Remember You, Alika, Hawaiian Wedding Song (Ke Kali Nei Au), Lei Nani, Pa’au’au Waltz, Ulupalakua, Goodnight Leilani E and Aloha Tears.
The album features Leo, Kelly and the kids on vocals, and with the exception of Pa’au’au Waltz, Kelly and the kids did all the instrumentation.
Kapena will graduate this spring and plans to return home to build a studio with his dad. And, of course, take his place back on stage with his family.
“I am very excited to come home and play music together as a family,” says Kapena. “It’s relatively a newfound thing. I mean Lilo just picked up the bass before I left for school and now there are so many possibilities. It’s awesome!”
Although Kapena won’t be home for the family’s CD release party from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. March 13 at Gordon Biersch, he’ll be cheering them on. Just as Dad did recently when Kapena, Kalena and Lilo took the stage for the very first time without him.
“My sister got married and we went to her wedding, and that was the first time that the three got up together without me, and I had tears in my eyes,” says Kelly. “Kapena was on guitar, Kalena on ukulele and Lilo on bass.”
Leo quickly adds, “And they didn’t need him. Right, honey?
“But that’s a credit to him. Not that he’s not needed, but that he had done such a good job that they don’t need him.”
Kelly agrees, mentioning that it is his hope that the children will one day continue their music without him. But, for now, he says he’s quite comfortable as their emcee and leader.
As for what lies beyond this album, the De Limas say they plan to take things one day at a time and just embrace it.
“We’re so blessed that we can’t imagine even more,” says Leo. “It’s hard to dream further.”
Kelly adds, “More money or more success isn’t going to make you happier with your family. What a great feeling it is. People always come up to me and tell me, ‘Braddah, it must be so wonderful to play with your children.‘And you know, it’s the greatest gift. In my heart I wish all the success for my children.”
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