Top Dogs Tell All!
In a rare and exclusive interview, the two Best of Show winners at the recent Hawaii Kennel Club All-Breed Show tell MidWeek about the world of dog competitions, from training to grooming to breeding etiquette

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Hebry Kapali with Brutus, an
American Akita
over-zealous reporters?
What are judges looking for at a dog show?
Mo: Showing dogs is a great sport where the thrill of competition is combined with the joy of seeing beautiful dogs. These events draw nearly 2 million entries annually in the U.S..
Maka Koa: Dog shows evaluate breeding stock. The dog’s conformation or overall appearance and structure are judged as an indication of ability to produce quality puppies.
Is there a breeding etiquette for champions?
Mo: (blushes). Yes, there is. It’s like a girls’ choice dance. It’s up to the bitch to ask. If a bitch (female) sees an attractive stud (male), the owner or breeder of the female approaches the male’s owner or breeder to arrange a meeting. That’s the purebred protocol. The litter officially belongs to the bitch.
It’s picture time for Bones and Megan Commander,
named the show’s best junior handler, with Mike
Johnson and Norman Kenny
What’s next, now that you’ve won the HKC top prize?
Mo: I’ve won Best of Show for the past five HKC shows and several titles at other events. I’ll continue to compete until the end of the year. Then, it’ll be time to be a pampered pet.
Maka Koa: When you’re a show dog, the demand for appearances never stops. I’m preparing for my next competition to earn points for higher AKC ranking. We represent the best of our breed, and there’s pressure to uphold the highest standards of the terrier class at all times. Through breeding, there’s a relentless pursuit of perfection. Perfection - that’s what dog shows are all about, and there’s no better showcase of the town’s best-bred, classiest dogs than purebred dog shows. HKC - celebrating its 100th anniversary - will have its next show on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-3, at Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.
Bradley Odagari grooms best
toy poodle Summer
Any tips for the first-time exhibitor?
Mo: Make sure your dog is registered with AKC. Be sure your dog is current on all inoculations. Learn the proper techniques for grooming and for presenting your dog in the ring. Become familiar with the AKC rules and regulations for dog shows.
Maka Koa: Attend dog shows to observe your breed being judged and how others present the breed. Use the knowledge of your breeder. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Attend handling classes with your dog.
Well, that’s it, fellas. Anything else?
Mo: Yeah. Where’s my treat? Maka Koa: Please no more pictures and questions. It’s time for my beauty rest.
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