Gone Fishin
A novice heads out to sea on a sportfishing adventure

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Sportfishing Charters On Oahu:
• Aikane Sport Fishing Hickam AFB: 423-1113 (up to six people: eight hours-$575, 10 hours-$650, 12 hours-$725)
• Blue Nun Sportfishing Kewalo Basin Slip L 596-2443 (up to six people: full day, 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.-$800, 3/4 day, 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.-$700, half day, 6 to 11 a.m.-$600; shared boat: full day-$170 per person, half day-$125 per person) 10 percent kamaaina and military discount available
• Boom Boom Sportfishing: 306-4162 (kamaaina full day, eight hours-$475 plus tip, half day-$300 plus tip; shared charter: $125 per person plus tip)
• Chupu Charters Inc.: 637-3474 (up to six people: full day, 5:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.-$700; $100 off for kamaaina)
• Hawaii Charter Skippers Association 591-9100 (up to six people: full day, about nine hours-$850, 3/4 day, six-seven hours- $750, half day, four-five hours-$650; 10 percent kamaaina discount available)
• Hawaiian Rainbow Cruise 7192 Kalanianaole Highway, Suite S204C: 395-6775 (up to 4 people: half day, three hours- $200)
• Inter Island Sportsfishing Ltd. Kewalo Basin Slip J: 591-8888 (up to six people: full day, eight to 10 hours-$800 to $900 depending on boat, 3/4 day, six-seven hours-$700 to $800, half day, 4 to 5 hours-$600 to $700; shared charter: full day-$170, half day- $125; 10 percent kamaaina discount available with cash payment)
• Kaimalolo Sportfishing: 695-3474 (three-four people: full day, about eight hours-$350, half day, about four hours- $300)

Capt. Jason Berndt hauls in a 25-pound mahimahi
• Karlyn Charters: 330-2628 (up to six people: full day-$650, kamaaina $600)
• Kono Fishing Charters Kewalo Basin: 593-8472 (up to six people: full day, eight hours- $850, 3/4 day, six hours-$750; shared boat: full day $170 per person)
• Kuu Huapala Fishing Co. Kewalo Basin Slip P: 596-0918 (up to six people: full day, eight to nine hours-$800, 6 to 7 hours-$700, 4 to 5 hours $600; shared boat: full day $170 per person)
• Live Bait Sports Fishing: 696-1604 or 479-9016 (up to six people: full day, minimum eight hours-$475, half day, minimum 4 hours-$350, military (active duty) full day, up to five passengers $400)
• Maggie Joe Kewalo Basin Slip J: 591-8888 (up to six people: full day, eight to 10 hours-$900, 3/4 day, six to seven hours-$800, half day, four-five hours- $700; shared charter: full day-$170, half day-$125; 10 percent kamaaina discount available with cash payment)
• Magic Sport Fishing Kewalo Basin: 596-2998 (up to six people: eight hours-$950, six hours-$850, four hours-$750; shared charter: full day-$170 per person)
• Meagan Sportfishing 85-135 Ala Akau St.: 696-3474 (up to six people: military and kamaaina full day, eight to nine hours-$350)
• Monkey Biz Sportfishing Charters Ltd. Kewalo Basin: 591-2520 (up to six people: full day-$850, 3/4 day- $750, half day $650; 10 percent kamaaina discount available)
• Sashimi Fun Fishing: 955-3474 (up to six people: full day-$725, half day- $450)
• Sea Verse Kewalo Basin Slip C: 591-8840 (up to six people: full day-$700, 3/4 day- $650, half day-$600; shared charter: full day-$170 per person)
• Shack Attack Sport Fishing 377 Keahole St.:479-0020 (up to six people: kamaaina full day-$650, 3/4 day-$550, half day $450)
• Sportfish Hawaii: 396-2607 (up to six people: full day, about eight hours-$750 to $950 depending on boat; shared charter: full day-$170 per person)
• The Wild Bunch 1025 Ala Moana Slip A4: 596-4709 (up to six people: full day, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.-$850, 3/4 day-$750, half day-$650; shared charter: full day-$170 per person)
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