Soccer Goalies Get Their Own Clinic

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Being a soccer team’s final hope is no easy task, and it takes more than an able body to handle the duties of a goalie.
That’s where Bob Barry and his Goalkeeper Clinics come in. His two-day clinics key in on the technical and mental aspects of the position and help each participant develop the skills needed to improve on the field.
“The whole concept is to take the players at the level they come in at and make them better goal-keepers,” said Barry, who has directed clinics for 20 years.
Goalkeepers ages 8 and older are invited to attend the the next session, set for this Saturday and Sunday at Mililani 16-acre Park. The first session, from 9 a.m. to noon, is for ages 8-11. The advanced session, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. is for children 12 and older. Fee is $100 for the first session and $120 for the advanced one.
“The younger ones, they come in the morning, where the training is mainly technical - how to catch the ball, boxing the ball, deflecting the ball,” said Barry, who has coached soccer at Iolani, University of Richmond, University of Massachusetts, BYU-Hawaii and Chaminade.
“In the afternoon with the little-older ones, we go through more things, such as understanding the game, communication with teammates, learning how to eliminate goal-scoring opportunities.”
For an application, call Barry at 236-4515 or 265-4249.
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