Menehune Marchers Ready For Volksmarch

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Menehune Marchers Volksport Club will have a 10K volksmarch walk (with a 5K option) March 14 beginning at Koko Head District Park.
Participants will take their marks anytime between 7:30 and 10 a.m., and continue on to the scenic lookout points of Hanauma Bay and through Portlock. Everyone must cross the finish line by 1 p.m.
“The beauty of this volks-march is that it’s not a race,” said organizer Faye Miyamasu. “People can go at their own pace and meet people with the same mindset of healthy living - it’s good camaraderie.
“I’ve discovered parts of the island that I’d never seen before or took for granted,“she added.
Walkers will carry a start card, have it validated at check points along the route and turn it in at the finish line. An adult must accompany each participant under age 12.
Pre-registration is required by March 7. The race is free, however the cost to receive a B award and IVV credit is $5, or $3 for IVV credit only.Write checks to Menehune Marchers and mail to Miyamasu at 926 Kaahue St., Honolulu, HI 96825. Call 395-9041.
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