Waha Nui

September 03, 2008 - MidWeek The East Waha Nui
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With all the elaborate staging required for musicals coming up this season at Diamond Head Theatre, someone has to build them. Enter Willie Sabel. He’s looking for volunteer stage hands (13 and older) to help him build, sand, paint and decorate those great sets that the actors emote in front of. “We welcome all skills levels and any amount of time is appreciated,”
Willie says. Call 733-0277, ext. 331 ... Ric Noyle of Kaimuki has an exhibit with Ken Zak through Sept. 29 at the Canon USA photo gallery on Ward Ave., titled 166 Years of Photography (522-5930) ... For those of us waiting for better parking at the airport: deputy DOT director Brian Sekiguchi is pleased to report that the new 1,800-stall parking garage is 50 percent done and should be open “by the end the year” ...
Daniel Ho and Tia Carrere will perform Oct. 10 at Sacred Hearts Academy’s centennial dinner and annual scholarship gala at Hilton Hawaiian Village (941-9088). Tia graduated from the academy in 1984 ... Dion Donohue of Kaimuki is in Dave & Buster’s latest Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre production, The Glitch that Stole Christmas, playing at 7 p.m. Sept. 13 and 20, Oct. 11 and 25, and Nov. 15 and 29 (589-2215). That’s right, Glitch. It has to do with Santa’s computerized list ...
Kahala’s Emily Nye and Kaimuki’s Eun Ahn have joined the faculty at UH-West Oahu. Both have Ph.Ds and are part of the school’s expansion to four-year baccalaureate programs. Eun will be associate professor of economics and Emily will direct the Writing and Learning Center ... Velma Horner of Kaimuki is exhibiting her original paintings now through Sept. 30 in the Louis Vuitton Creative Arts Gallery at Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific (531-3511) ...
Joe Tsujimoto of Kuliouou is featured in the latest journal (No. 92) from Bamboo Ridge, with his Morningside Heights: New York Stories.Joe teaches at Punahou School and graduated from City College of New York with honors and from UH. Book launch events are at 7 p.m. Sept. 16 at Punahou’s Luke Lecture Hall and 7 pm. Oct. 1 at the UH campus center ballroom (626-1481) ... Hawaii Kai’s Carole Richelieu has resigned from the Office of Disciplinary
Council after 20 years of dedicated service to pursue other career opportunities. She also champions abandoned animals through the Hawaii Animal Sanctuary ... Award-winning author and art teacher Van James of Hawaii Kai has released The Secret Language of Form: Visual Meaning in Art and Nature. It’s available from http://www.steinercollege.edu ...
New oil paintings by Hawaii Kai artist Sanit Khewhok are on view in the exhibit Attestation now through Sept. 28 at Cedar Street Galleries ... Saint Louis School freshman Jeremy Tabuyo was selected to compete Aug. 2 in the 200m dash at the North American Finals of the Hershey’s Track & Field Games in Hershey, Pa. Jeremy currently holds the 2008 Junior Olympics, Aloha State Games and (possibly) Hershey record for his age (14) in the 100 and 200m dash ... Timothy Guting of Kapahulu has graduated from Army Reserve basic training at Fort Sill, Okla.
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