Waha Nui

June 03, 2009 - MidWeek The East Waha Nui
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Kaimuki Middle School eighth-grader Krystin Wong spent an exciting few days in Washington, D.C., in early May as one of Hawaii’s two Prudential Spirit of Community awardees. She got to meet former first lady Laura Bush, U.S. Sen. Dan Akaka and many more who honored her for her volunteerism with the Junior Optimist Club here. Krystin entertains at nursing homes, collects food, cleans parks, feeds seriously ill children at Thanksgiving and collects money for other nonprofits. In addition to the free trip, she received a medallion from Mrs. Bush and $1,000 ...
Cougar footprints: Kaiser High graduate Mikael Sigouin has developed a new wine with Grant “Lanai” Tabura called “Look Me in the Eye,” which they unveiled last Friday at Honolulu Design Center. Slurp up more details at http://www.lanaiswine.com ... Kaiser senior Breanon McNair has been accepted at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona to study computer engineering ...
Congratulations to Kaiser senior Jason Spiker, who won the national championship for 18 and under, 103 pound class, at the Reno World of Wrestling competition last month. Proud dad John Spiker also credits Cougar coaching by Mike Kim and adds that his Kalani High tennis-playing son Jared is ranked No.
1 in men’s open singles ... St. Louis Heights resident Susan Doyle, who heads Aloha United Way, has received the 2009 Ka Lei Hano Heritage Award from UH Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources for her “dedication to the values of CTAHR, her leadership of AUW and her commitment to strengthening families and communities” ...
Waikiki-Kapahulu Library, which reopens after lanai repairs June 9, has a new reference collection on condominium and homeowners association law worth $1,500, donated by the State Real Estate Commission and the local Community Association Institute chapter ... Dr. Shim Ching of Waialae-Kahala is pleased to introduce Lunchtime Laser Liposuction, so simple it can be done on your lunch break without general anesthetic, he says (585-8855) ...
The YWCA lauds Hawaii Kai physician Virginia Pressler June 19 as a 2009 Hawaii Woman Leader “for always looking for the best and most efficient ways to provide healthcare to all of the people of Hawaii.” Virginia is executive vice president of Hawaii Pacific Health (Kapiolani, Straub, etc.) and chairs the Cancer Center of Hawaii ...
After 35 years, the Hawaii Kai Lions are very prepared for their yearly Father’s Day breakfast (see page 15). So much so, they can predict the menu down to the last bite: 7,500 eggs, 14,400 sausage links, 540 pounds of pancake mix, 6,344 pats of butter and 3,600 shots of maple syrup. Also from the Lions’den: The Nagoya Joto Lions came here in April to give Hawaii Kai Library $1,000 and paintings of cherry blossoms and cranes. Come see for yourself. Together with the Hawaii Kai club, Nagoya has given about $41,000 to the library over 22 years, making library manager Colleen Lashway very happy
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