Waha Nui

July 01, 2009 - MidWeek The East Waha Nui
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Marvin Lee, the ESL coordinator at Kaimuki-Kaiser Community School for Adults, is 2008-2009 Hawaii Adult Education Teacher of the Year for the school. Marvin is regarded as “the rock” of the program, which is producing many lifelong learners and good citizens ...
Wally Amos threw a party recently for his young friends at Holy Trinity School, who created 70 books about Amos’s Chip & Cookie characters. The party was at his Royal Hawaiian Center shop with plenty of milk and cookies for 89 students, teachers Shelly Mecum, Christine Matsukawa, Sister John Joseph and more. Amen! ...
Chaminade assistant professor of religious studies Regina Pfeiffer of Palolo has received a Harris Manchester Summer Research Institute fellowship to Oxford University (sponsored by HMAA), beginning this week. She hopes to document Queen Emma’s work to establish the Anglican Church in Hawaii ... East Oahu tale teller Jeff Gere invites everyone to the 2009 Talk Story Conference July 16-20 at Queen Kapiolani Hotel with non-stop workshops, shows, concerts and story swaps. Look it up at http://www.nsntalkstoryconference.com ...
Liholiho Elementary’s JPO captain Given Yagi was honored by the Kaimuki Lions as JPO of the Year. He also earned an honorable mention for his taiko composition in the statewide PTA Reflections Program ... Wilhelmina Rise artist Susie Anderson will miss the July 4 to-do at Maunalua Bay, since she’s joining the Plein Air artists on Maui. They paint every day for a month, including the July 4 Makawao Parade and Quick Draw and a gala grand opening show and awards ceremony at Viewpoints Gallery ...
East Oahuans are hanging out at the White House these days. First it was slam poet Jamaica Osorio of Palolo Valley, who performed for the Obamas May 12 at a poetry bash in the East Room. Jamaica is on the award-winning Youth Speaks Hawaii team and a freshman at Stanford. Then on June 26 Cha Thompson and family’s Tihati Productions entertained for the Congressional Picnic there, invited by President Barack Obama, along with Honolulu chef Alan Wong ...
Performing right here at 7 p.m. July 5 at Atherton studio is Blossom Lam Hoffman of Kaimuki during the next HPR Aloha Shorts taping. Works by Joe Tsujimoto and Darrell Lum, both of Hawaii Kai, also will be read to the crowd - for free! (Call 955-8821) ...
Hawaii Kai’s Luke Chang, who plays for CABA Hawaii, was one of four Hawaii finalists to go to the Major League Baseball Pitch Hit and Run team competition June 21 at San Diego’s PETCO Park. Stay tuned ...
State Sen. Sam Slom was on Ken Becker‘s new KHVH AM 830 show recently, speaking up for his advocacy group SBH, now known as Smart instead of Small Business Hawaii. Ken, who runs Attitudes Marketing out of Hawaii Kai, hosts Get Down to Small Business, live one-hour talk shows at 11 a.m. Saturdays. You can catch a rebroadcast at 9 p.m. July 4 on KHBZ
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