Waha Nui

October 07, 2009 - MidWeek The East Waha Nui
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Aina Haina dentist Cecile Sebastian is running an essay contest (Why I would like to be a Dentist) for the Hawaii Future Dentists Symposium, and entries are due Oct. 7. High school juniors and seniors can find out more at http://www.hawaiiansmile.com ... Listed as celebrity favorites in a summer issue of Conde Nast Traveler were Roy‘s in Hawaii Kai, the Kahala Hotel and Makapuu Beach ...
Congratulations to Kaiser High’s Sarah Kern for her $1,000 scholarship from Hawaii Education Association; and to Longs Drugs’$1,000 scholarship recipients Thuy Lien Nguyen of Kaimuki, Kelsey McCoy of Kaiser and James Yokoyama of Kalani. All are interested in business, which the drug chain supports ... Hawaii Kai Toastmasters gave their Distinguished Toastmaster award to member, author and top communicator Saleem Ahmed ...
Majken Mechling has taken on the awesome job of Honolulu Symphony executive director. The Hawaii Kai woman’s fundraising background with music and art causes has perked up the HS board, and we all hear a note of hope for the symphony’s future ...
KCC’s Cactus Garden won a 2009 Award of Excellence in the Betty Crocker Landscape Awards program. No surprise there ... Finalists and prize-winners in the state library’s teen summer reading program include Katerina Imamura (entered through Aina Haina Library), Cyrus Ma (Hawaii Kai), Amy McKee (Kaimuki) and Mina Zheng (Waikiki-Kapahulu). See? It pays to read ...
Young Kahala harpist Melody Rose Lindsay performed a free farewell concert Aug. 23 in Kaimuki before flying to Washington, D.C. in late September to receive the $50,000 Davidson
Fellow Laureate scholarship ...
Hahaione students heard about global warming and what they can do to slow it down from TV weatherman Guy Hagi, in the flesh ... Hawaii Kai writer Cheryl Tsutsumi is thinking more about warming rice. She’d welcome your recipes for it by Oct. 9 for her next book. E-mail her at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ... Kenny Endo‘s taiko drums echo through the Hawaii Fishing and Seafood Festival at Pier 38 on Sunday. Don’t worry, it’s too late to scare away the fish ...
Hawaii Kai doctor Virginia Pressler addresses Hawaii Society of Business Professionals Oct. 15 on the familiar topic “Still Confused about Healthcare Reform?” (537-2356) ... The Kapahulu Common Mango, Uncle Sam Kapu, retired Sept. 25 from KINE-FM radio. No more will we hear his funny, mellow-kine voice in the mid-day slot, unless you catch him at the beach or in his garage ...
Also in Kapahulu, Tokkuri Tei restaurant chef-manager Santa Miyoshi has created a cookbook with plenty photos to mark the little eatery’s 20th anniversary, Isakaya Hawaii: Tokkuri Tei Cooking. You can pick it up during his book signing at 1 p.m. Oct. 24 at Barnes & Noble Kahala ...
Hawaii Kai’s Steve Fredrick has resumed his nightly Honolulu Ghost Tours of downtown Honolulu. Fee is $25 and you must call two days ahead (395-0674) ... Don Conover auditions singer through Oct. 15 (256-7212) for Church of the Crossroads voice scholarships. One such music scholar is Waialae area tenor Brian Kaleo Gagne
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