Waha Nui

November 01, 2006 - MidWeek The East Waha Nui
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Koko Marina’s international festival in August raised more than $4,000 for the Friends of Hanauma Bay. The event also made Eric Acosta happy. The Hawaii Kai resident won a weekend stay at the Doubletree Alana Hotel ... Another Hawaii Kai “traveler” is Laverne Higa, president of the Hawaii United Okinawa Association, who accompanied Mayor Mufi Hannemann and about 1,100 others on his earthquake-interrupted trip to Okinawa last month for the Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival ... Saint Louis School students in the news: Senior Francis Choe has been elected District 50 Leo president, overseeing statewide events for more than 30 Leo clubs (Lions’ Club-sponsored high school service clubs). Francis is also student body president and aspires to be a U.S. senator some day. Senior Matthew Matsumura has earned AP Scholar with Distinction for his high marks in five AP classes last semester. He plans to attend Colgate University in New York.

Jeff Kahler
Jeff Kahler - a wrestler, defensive back and track and field athlete - has been nominated for the Wendy’s High School Heisman Award, which honors achievement in and out of the classroom ...

Mandy Maness
Mandy Maness (Kaiser ‘05) has graduated from Air Force basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas ... She did it. Kaimuki High science teacher Jami Muranaka (and Kaiser alumna) is Hawaii’s 2006 Teacher of the Year, which comes with $1,000 cash, plus $500 (district level), software and the use of a new car for a year ... Brad Powell of Aina Haina is directing Annie for Army Community Theatre. Curtain goes up Nov. 16 at Fort Shafter for the popular musical ... East Oahu’s Mark Oto has moved from state Rep. Calvin Say‘s office to be senior adviser - the city’s No. 2 position - in the Department of Community Services ... More exceptional students: Kaiser High’s Amanda Suiso‘s 5-minute film, Children of Maunalua, was one of a dozen student videos screened Oct. 28 in the Hawaii International Film Festival. (Teacher is Shannon McMonagle) ...

Hester Kamin
Hester Kamin has moved into a newly created position of education director for Hawaii Theatre Center. The East Oahu drama teacher, dancer and writer was previously with HTY, and before that with a theater in Paris ... Students from Kaiser, Kaimuki and Sacred Hearts joined 14 other schools in an Oct. 21 conference on the Arab-Israeli conflict at Hawaii Tokai International College. Stay tuned for their solutions ... Speaking of things global, TransPacific Hawaii College has promoted

S. Kawanishi
Shungo Kawanishi of Hawaii Kai to vice president for global affairs, a new post that markets the school to mainland and Asian students. Shungo plans to host a global conference on environmental issues next year on campus, and he gave the keynote speech recently at an international education conference in D.C. We focus not on nations, he explains, “but on people who share common issues and interests.” The college currently offers associate degrees to international students ... The rumblings of a true Lions den will be heard Saturday at Jarrett Middle School, where the District 50 Lions convene for an all-day Leadership Forum. Head of the entire pride is Hawaii Kai’s Mervin Wee
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