Waha Nui

December 06, 2006 - MidWeek The East Waha Nui
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Pearl Harbor civilian Gary Kalilikane of Kaimuki has returned from Albany, Georgia, where he joined nine other shipyard welders who have been helping to prepare U.S. Marine vehicles for safer combat duty in Iraq. Since August they’ve logged 12-hour shifts, six days a week. Like many military units, the welders’ temporary assignment was extended - to Dec. 22. When they volunteered for the job, a grateful Maj. Gen. Willie Williams declared: “These skilled artisans immediately passed the weeklong certification requirements and went to work. Their professionalism and positive attitude is a true compliment to the shipyards and a ringing endorsement of the strength of our Navy-Marine Corps team” ...
Rich people need help, too. Bill Heran of Paradise Recovery LLC (375-4056) says the new eight-bed drug rehab facility is open and ready for clients. The beachfront home in East Oahu is designed for high-profile, executive-type addicts for about $2,000 a day. Some scholarships are available ... Kaiser High graduate Bonnie Horibata served until recently as interim CEO of Hawaii’s Better Business Bureau - a 3,000-member agency that’s earned national recognition for “meeting all standards of performance and related policies” ... Waialae’s Joanne Lundstrom, who heads Mental Health Kokua, got a dose of mental well-being herself during a three-week trek through Turkey earlier this year. As Joanne shared in an MHK newsletter, there were strolls through bazaars, a hot-air balloon ride, floating on a gullet (wooden yacht) in the Mediterranean and pleasant encounters everywhere: What we all have in common, she says, is “a love for our families, fidelity to our belief systems, a curiosity about what’s outside our boundaries, and the resilience of the human spirit through eons of time” ...

Brandon Metter
Brandon Metter of Kaimuki has been promoted to facility manager for all of MW Group’s retail, industrial and office properties, including Pioneer Plaza downtown ... William Donohoe, owner of the Shipping Shack on Harding Avenue, says every customer who drops off a new toy (for Toys for Tots) will get a one-year discount on their Federal Express packages ... Cameron Ursua (Kaimuki ‘06) has graduated from basic Air Force training at Lackland AFB, Texas ... The Hawaii Kai Rotary Club honored local optometrist Dr. Roger Ede with its Employer of the Year award last month, citing his help with the club’s vision testing in the schools program. It was their first joint meeting with the Hawaii Kai Lions Club.

Cameron Ursua
Roger was a Rotarian, and now he’s a Lion ... Meanwhile, Hawaii Kai’s Marilyn Moura has not given up on the bone marrow search for her daughter Sharnell Onaga, a pregnant young wife and mother with leukemia. To sign up with the Hawaii Bone Marrow Registry, call at 547-6154, or come to these drives: 5:30-9 p.m. Dec. 6 at Hawaii Okinawa Center and 9 a.m-2 p.m. Dec. 17 at McKinley High ... Kaimuki rhythm man Michael Wall is helping plan a drummer’s dream: the Hawaii Fire Tribe Winter Solstice Gathering Dec. 13-17 “on Oahu.” To register and find out where it is, call him at 737-3786 by Friday ... East Oahu Realty has a monthly supply link to a Marine squadron in Iraq. Bring toiletries, snacks, cigars, money and other small pleasures of desert life to their office or call Jennifer Leslein-Hopley at 396-2000. Her husband Peter is with the squadron over there
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