West Service Gives Ohana Safe Haven

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In an effort to combat domestic violence, the Alexander & Baldwin Foundation recently presented Child & Family Service with a pledge of $50,000, just in time for the new year.
The hearty pledge will go toward the nonprofit’s capital campaign to build a new emergency shelter and transitional housing facility in the Leeward area for families in need of help and support.
Meredith Ching, president and chairwoman of the foundation, presented CFS with the initial payment of $25,000.
“We are sobered by the growing need to provide a safe haven for vulnerable members of our community,” explained Ching. “A&B remains grateful to agencies such as Child & Family Service, which have both staff and dedicated volunteers focused on improving the services available to domestic violence victims.”
Child & Family Service president and CEO Howard Garval stated that the new facility will address the severe shortage of transitional housing options for families who wish to build a new life without violence.
“In our current emergency shelter we have had as many as 32 women and children at one time in a small three-bedroom building,” Garval explained. “The new shelter will be able to serve up to 56 women and children and provide more privacy for each family rather than having to stay in such cramped quarters.
“We are so appreciative of the Alexander & Baldwin Foundation for this very generous gift to support the building of a new domestic abuse shelter and transitional housing program.”
Through the new program, women will have the chance to stay up to a year at the shelter to build a new life without violence. The program also will include childcare, employment support and job training so that families can have the opportunity to search for affordable housing.
“Since our mission is strengthening families and fostering the healthy development of children, the new shelter and transitional housing program will support families in crisis and offer a hope for a life without violence for women and children,” Garval said of the project, set to be complete in spring 2009. “This indeed will support stronger families and healthier development of children.”
For more information on domestic violence or to seek help for yourself, call the Domestic Violence Hotline at 841-0822.
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