North Beach Kapu At MCBH
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As the winter waves make their annual appearance along Oahu’s North and East shores, the surf is definitely up. But at North Beach,one of Marine Corps Base Hawaii’s most popular surf spots along the Mokapu Peninsula coast, the premier surf break remains off limits to civilian beachgoers lacking proper sponsorship.
Unlike other beaches accessible to civilians via the base, such as Pyramid Rock and Fort Hase Beach, North Beach and its parking lot carry special security measures to prevent overcrowding, and to eliminate any safety risks posed to swimmers and nearby military housing units. In order to gain access, vehicles must have a Department of Defense decal denoting proper access granted to approved military personnel through active duty, retired or dependent status.
This policy is quite a bummer for non-approved surfers as, according to, the surf line at North Beach provides both left- and right-side breaks that, when combined with the proper conditions, “goes off North Shore style.”
According to Violet Kelly, the base’s pass and registration supervisor, the beach is primarily off limits because of “hazardous ocean conditions and liability.” Kelly also noted that public surfing contests are held sporadically at the beach, but that the permitting and approval process for such events is extensive.
Military police and the Base Inspector’s Office will continue to enforce the policy that has been in place for nearly nine years. That is: Violations of parking and base usage policies “may result in denial of the privilege to use MCBH beaches and waters as well as other administrative or disciplinary action under the (Uniform Code of Military Justice) and state/county law. MCBH will prosecute civilians … who are trespassing, to the fullest extent of the law.”
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