The Six-Pack

Friday - March 25, 2005
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My least favorite part of my body would have to be my stomach. And after months of not working out as much as I used to, I’ve developed quite a portly belly. And I’m not the only one.

The only way to get a six-pack like Kockelman’s is to work those abs
Not to be mean, but it’s what I see. Even skinny people have that extra flab hanging by their tummy. Have you ever seen Christina Aguilera’s music video for her song Dirty? Case in point.
Well, here are some tips to getting that six-pack you’ve always wanted. Or at least close to it. And you don’t even need a gym.
“I have never met a person who said they would not want to have impressive abdominal muscles,” says Kimo Kockelman, personal trainer and owner of Hardass Fitness. “Sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and the torso twist are all great exercises for your mid-section. They are guaranteed to strengthen your core and improve your overall health.”
To get visible abdominal muscles, it’s 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent exercise. Everyone has abdominal muscles, but most people can’t see them because they are hidden beneath layers of body fat. When we consume calories, our body either uses it or stores it. And unfortunately, we have no say in where our body chooses to store that fat.
“For some it goes to the belly, and others the hips,” explains Kockelman. “The body is not always kind when it comes to finding a storage closet for that fat. So whether you would like to get rid of five pounds or 50 pounds, the formula is simple. Burn off more calories than you consume.”
Simple, but not easy. According to Kockelman, to lose one pound of fat we must burn an extra 3,500 calories. So, to lose one pound of fat a week, you must have a 500 calorie deficit every day.
“And the body does not like being in a deficit and will normally send cravings to encourage you to eat more calories,” warns Kockelman. “That is why increasing your activity may help in weight loss, but is not a guarantee. You may burn 300-400 calories an hour on a treadmill, but it only takes a couple minutes to eat 300-400 calories. Proper nutrition is the only way to guarantee fat loss.”
Lowering your body fat percentage should give you a flatter, leaner and more visible abdominal. But add on some exercises, and it could get sinewy.
“There are numerous exercises, as well as dozens of products available on the market that can tone and strengthen your stomach, but before you spend money on a single item you should master the basics,” advises Kockelman. “Believe me, if you stop doing basic abdominal exercises after two weeks, you’ll also stop using your fancy and sometimes expensive exercise gizmo in about the same time frame. Being disciplined is the key to success. A fancy routine or fancy equipment may motivate initial use, but without desire, discipline and determination your program will be short lived.”
Your abdominal is probably the most important part of your body to strengthen. It, along with your back, serves as the core strength of your body, supporting your spine and keeping your body stable and balanced.
A strong core can help to prevent injuries, maintain good posture, alleviate lower back pain, and enhance an athlete’s performance.
So eat right, exercise and you many even turn your flab to fab.
Below are three basic exercises to get you on your way to the sixpack you’ve always dreamed of:
1) Double crunch sit-ups
2) Ball roll
3) Torso Twist/Oblique twist
For more exercises, visit
Double Crunch Sit-ups: Lying down with your knees bent,
bring your knees up toward your chest. Start with your hands
on the ground for balance.
Ball Roll:With your knees on the ground and your toes off
the ground, place your arms on the ball. Keeping
our back straight, slowly roll forward. Keeping form,
slowly pull your body back using your arms and abdominals.
Torso Twist/Oblique Twist: Hold the ball in your hands
and move from side to side. All rotation should be at your torso.
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